The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act is administered by the Mississippi Development of Employment Security (MDES). There are four (4) Workforce Investment Areas in the State.  ECPDD’s nine counties are part of the Twin Districts Workforce Area, along with 15 counties south of ECPDD in Southern Mississippi Planning & Development District.​


"Assisting Local Units of government".

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act


The Economic Development Administration (EDA) provided a grant to establish a revolving loan fund (RLF) in the District’s nine counties. The grant was combined with local funds provided by the counties and used to promote business development by providing loans to industries and businesses. The District also  has other resources for Revolving Business loans from the following resources:

Appalachian Regional Commission (Kemper County)

Mississippi Minority Business Enterprise Program

Mississippi Minority Business Enterprise (Micro)

Mississippi Small Business Assistance Program

Rural Business Enterprise Grant​

The District assists local governments with the following Grants & Programs:

Community Development Block Grants (CDBG)

Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) Grants

Economic Development Administration (EDA) Grants


Hazard Mitigation Planning

Census Information

United States Department of Justice Grants - Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP)

Mississippi Department of Public Safety Grants - Local Law Enforcement Block Grants (LLEBG), Alcohol Countermeasure Grant Program, DUI Enforcement Program

Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) Grants

Mississippi Department of Wildlife & Fisheries Grants

Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT)/ Mississippi Forestry Commission Grants - Transportation Enhancement Tree Planting Program

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Mississippi Forestry Commission - Volunteer Fire Assistance Program

United States Department of Agriculture  (USDA) Grant Program - Rural Development Community Facilities Grant

Keep Mississippi Beautiful (KMB) & People Against Litter (PAL) Program

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)